Creativity in Business: An Essential Skill That Can Be Cultivated

Creativity is often seen as a talent – you either have it or you don’t. In reality, however, it is a skill that, like any other, can be developed and cultivated. Why is freelance creativity so important, and how can you improve it?

What is creativity

Creativity is the ability to come up with original ideas, concepts and innovative ways of solving problems. It involves overcoming traditional thought patterns and thinking outside the rut. Or, as the German author Sönke Ahrens said, “Creativity is nothing more than the ability to connect things.” Thus, to use existing knowledge and skills in new contexts or situations.

Creative people are often open to new experiences, playful, curious and thoughtful. That you don’t recognize yourself in that description? Never mind. We are born with creativity, but many of us don’t cultivate it during adolescence and lose it. But creativity works like a muscle, just train it a little and after a while you will consider it a normal part of yourself.

How creativity helps you as a freelancer

Creativity is important in all areas of human activity, including the world of freelancing. What benefits does it offer you as an entrepreneur?

Differentiate yourself from the competition

Freelancers face a competitive market, and until you have your name built, you need to try a little harder not to get lost in the crowd. And that’s where creativity will help you. You won’t just be “workers” who go one project after another without deep thought, you’ll be craftsmen, artists who can approach tasks from unique perspectives and address clients’ needs in ways that others haven’t considered.

Solve problems in new ways

As a freelancer, you will inevitably encounter problems, whether finding clients or solving industry-specific problems. Creativity will help you look beyond routines and turn obstacles into opportunities.

Don’t rest on your laurels

Creativity improves learning ability. It encourages curiosity and openness to new ideas, which is essential both for professional development and for adapting to a changing market.

Tips to improve creativity

You already know what creativity is, what it will help you for, but the most important thing is still missing – how to start it. That’s what you’ll find out in the following tips.

Don’t worry about embarrassing yourself

The biggest killer of creativity is fear. Even if you have a lot of ideas, do you prefer to keep them to yourself so as not to accidentally embarrass yourself? Let it go, for every good idea you need a few bad ones, even they will move you forward. Unlike when you don’t step out of your comfort zone.

Seek new stimuli and develop

You can’t just get creativity in your field. So look a little further. Read, attend workshops, listen to podcasts, or start creating something yourself. It doesn’t matter that you had a threesome from the art, throw away your worries and get started. The more you discover/try, the easier it is for you to find inspiration outside the rut.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment, which can help clear the mind and increase creativity. You can practice mindfulness during meditation, yoga, or simply try to focus on your breath for a while each day.

Encourage divergent thinking

Divergent thinking is a way of thinking that focuses on generating as many diverse ideas, possibilities, or solutions as possible. It is the opposite of convergent thinking, which focuses on finding the only right (best) solution. It involves free association and breaking conventional thought patterns to make room for new and innovative ideas that you might otherwise overlook. Classic divergent thinking techniques include brainstorming or creating mind maps.

Network and keep an open mind

When you work alone, it’s only a matter of time before you find your comfort in which you feel good. Networking will help you see things from a different angle. Learn to listen to and listen to other people’s opinions and ideas and maintain contacts with people in the field, but do not avoid other industries, this is where you can often get a fresh idea that is not marked by routine.

Treat yourself to relaxation

Do you have a creative block? Give your brain a rest for a while. Go for a walk, exercise, meditate or just water the flowers. Just find something to switch off and recharge your batteries for a while.

Write down ideas (and come back to them occasionally)

Don’t you have so much a problem with the ideas themselves as with remembering them? Keep your notebook handy – anytime, anywhere! For example, a Creative Notebook will serve you to fight against the creative block in addition to recording ideas. But it does not end with the writing, sometimes it is necessary to look at ideas from a distance and reflect on them a little.


Want a more intimate date with creativity? On the Internet you can find a number of methods and exercises to train creativity in a targeted way. To feel the improvement, you only need to devote a few minutes a day to them. So it’s not a big sacrifice for what you get by taking a more creative approach to life and work.

When is too much creativity a bad thing?

Creativity is a good servant, but a bad master. Let’s take an example: When you have an e-shop, you’ll want people to find you. Therefore, the product name should reflect how potential customers are looking for the product being offered. If you get creative with names that will be funny but untraceable, creativity will not bring you a very good service.

Being too creative can also lead to unrealistic and unfeasible ideas, or ignoring market trends and customer needs. Therefore, you should keep in mind that creative ideas and innovations must also have value for customers and be market-viable.

Unreasonable creativity can cause inconsistency and instability in business. Changing your goals, strategies, and directions too often as a result of excessive creativity will lead to confusion and uncertainty, which can negatively impact customer trust.

So each of us is creative in some way. Just don’t be afraid of it and practice this ability regularly and sometimes subject it to a little more rational examination to see if your ideas move you forward or not.