Software engineer, web developer ( WordPress)

Software engineer, web developer ( WordPress)

Taux horaire: membres seulement

Disponibilité: membres seulement

Disponibilité à voyager: À la maison

Statut professionnel: Pigiste

Dernière mise à jour: 4 sept. 2023

Expérience de travail totale:

Connaissances linguistiques: Anglais, Perse,

Sommaire professionel

Mohammadreza has worked as a senior solution designer for many years in the field of computer science and software engineering. He has a wide knowledge and experience background in artificial intelligence and deep learning techniques. He is responsible for product design, engineering and manufacturing Education : Associate’s Degree: Computer Application Bachelor’s Degree: Computer Software technology engineering Master’s Degree : Computer engineering-Aritificial Intelligence About : International Inventor AI Expert Computer Programmer Software developer Web developer Local Area Network (Lan) supporter Work Experiences: Technical and ad vocational organization : Computer Instructor in (Educational Institutions) Sahar Fars Co : Software department employee Sahar Fars Co : Responsible for IT (Supporting and taking care of system software and hardware and local computer network) Elm Fanavary (Technical and vocational school) : Teaching and educating information technology skills, robotic and artififcial intelligence Radagri : Co-founder & CTO (Chief technology officer who is responsible for product design, engineering, and manufacturing)

Connaissances linguistiques




Langue maternelle