Dhruv Patel

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: At home

Professional status: Student

Last updated: Aug 5, 2023

Total work experience:

Language skills: English, Gujarati, Hindi,

Personal summary

I am a diligent Overnight Stocker with a strong commitment to smooth retail operations during off-hours. Experienced in restocking shelves, organizing merchandise, and inventory checks, he excels in communication and multitasking. Skilled in stocking, safety maintenance, and inventory counts, I am a valued team member. With a background in product merchandising and production documentation, I brings attention to detail and efficiency. Pursuing a PG Diploma in Business, Dhruv holds a Bachelor's in Chemistry. My dedication and expertise make me an ideal candidate formathematics work as a tutor.

Language skills




Native speaker


Fluent knowledge