RPA Developer

RPA Developer

Taux horaire: membres seulement

Disponibilité: membres seulement

Disponibilité à voyager: Au Canada

Statut professionnel: Étudiant

Dernière mise à jour: 12 avr. 2023

Expérience de travail totale:

Connaissances linguistiques: Anglais, Tamoul,

Sommaire professionel

I am an RPA developer with around 7.5 years of experience in Automation Anywhere and Javascript tools. I have expertise in AA 11 and 360 and hold a certification. I hold knowledge of uipath and workfusion tools. I worked with multiple international clients from Japan, the USA and Canada. I have also been leading around 30 People team and worked as a Business Analyst for RPA projects.

Connaissances linguistiques



