IT Specialist

Taux horaire: membres seulement

Disponibilité: membres seulement

Disponibilité à voyager: Au Canada

Statut professionnel: Pigiste

Dernière mise à jour: 14 oct. 2023

Expérience de travail totale:

Connaissances linguistiques: Anglais, Perse,

Sommaire professionel

During my undergraduate studies in Computer Engineering at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, I developed ‎a strong foundation in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Robotics‎. I have been studying this field for over seven years, and I have developed strong skills in Python, one of the most widely used programming languages in the industry. I have also applied my knowledge of artificial neural networks to various projects, such as creating a face recognition system, and a sentiment analysis tool. My core competencies include problem-solving, analytical thinking, creativity, and teamwork. I am passionate about learning new technologies and exploring innovative solutions for real-world challenges. My goal is to graduate with honors and pursue a career in software engineering, where I can contribute to the development of cutting-edge applications and systems.

Connaissances linguistiques




Langue maternelle