Sr. Technical Lead/IT Consultant

Taux horaire: membres seulement

Disponibilité: membres seulement

Disponibilité à voyager: Partout dans le monde

Statut professionnel: Pigiste

Dernière mise à jour: 16 févr. 2024

Expérience de travail totale: 16 année(s)

Connaissances linguistiques: Anglais,

Sommaire professionel

I am looking forward to working in an AGILE-focused environment on mid to large-scale web applications utilizing core tech skills such as React, Typescript, Javascript, .NET WEB APIs, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, etc that allow me to work on both the front-end and back-end aspects of software development. I can work as an Individual contributor without much help from others, However having a team comprising of PO, stakeholders, and PMs, and working alongside dev team members would be much nicer. I don't need any supervision and can mentor, guide, and run my development teams. Solving some complex challenges is my preference because that helps me to grow as a developer and as a person. The thing that strikes me the most about a freelance career, is that I can use my free/full time to be more productive, and efficient in building some world-class and amazing products and services. I can always be in a learning mode and will keep on expanding my technical and interpersonal skills. I am intrigued with the idea of working from anywhere in the world. Additionally, I could leverage my tech skills and be able to explore and realize my potential by interacting and coordinating with various teams worldwide.

Connaissances linguistiques

