Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Developer

Taux horaire: membres seulement

Disponibilité: membres seulement

Disponibilité à voyager: À la maison

Statut professionnel: Pigiste

Dernière mise à jour: 7 mars 2024

Expérience de travail totale:

Connaissances linguistiques: Anglais,

Sommaire professionel

I clicked with programming the moment I began. The science of the hardware is fascinating, and it is a pleasure to sequence the logic within. What is a program, if not the philosophy of a CPU? I first developed my skills with JavaScript, building an intelligent and interactive chess engine. It's deployed and you can play it on my projects page. Next, I graduated from BrainStation and built a geolocation journal called SONDER. It's a full-stack social media app that augments reality with your collected thoughts. A video presentation is featured on my projects page. My latest app is called socketPOP! It is a real time media-sharing dual-browser web-game deployed to the cloud. It harnesses the full power of the modern web with webRTC and socket.IO.

Connaissances linguistiques


Langue maternelle