Customer Experience| Fraud Investigator| Escalations Associate.
Le nom est seulement visible pour les membres.
Emplacement: Burnaby, Canada Non spécifié
Taux horaire: membres seulement
Expérience de travail totale: Non spécifié
Connaissances linguistiques: Anglais, Espagnol
Disponibilité à voyager: Au Canada Non spécifié
Statut professionnel: Pigiste Non spécifié
Dernière mise à jour: 30 mai 2024
Sommaire professionel
My name is Katia Román. I have been in the customer service industry for 7 years, and I also have a strong background in Tier 3 support. I am a dedicated person, responsible, detail-oriented, dedicated and willing to achieve any goal and looking for opportunities to expand my knowledge and grow as an individual. I have experience in the following fields: - Virtual Assistance - Technical Support - Customer Service - Live chat support - Email Support - Fraud and Risk Investigation - Money loss prevention - Compliance reviews - Know Your Customer regulation (KYC) - OFAC match handling - Escalated complaints and CEO emails. - Remittances and transfer troubleshooting. - Social media reviews (Twitter, FB, Trustpilot) I have had the opportunity to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills, and I have consistently achieved good results. I am very passionate about developing my skills and continuing to learn and I am happy to collaborate with your business. Thank you.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management)4 CRM (Customer Relationship Management)4 Jira4 Jira4 Salesforce4 Salesforce4 Call Center7 Call Center7 Technical support3 Technical support3Expérience pertinente
Connaissances linguistiques
Langue maternelle