Informations principales

Social Media Management

Poste: Non spécifié

Début: Dès que possible

End: Non spécifié

Lieu: Gatineau, Canada

Type de collaboration: Collaboration à long terme

Taux horaire: 0$

Dernière mise à jour: 26 sept. 2024

Description et exigences de la tâche


 My name is Zaccary Boisvert-Corcoran, and I work for a company called Menu Group. We are a company that offers various advertising services for restaurants in the Gatineau and Ottawa region. We are currently looking for someone who can help us develop the digital side of our business. We already offer some services, but we are seeking an expert who can help us truly optimize and grow this part of our company.

Je parle également français!

 Feel free to call or send me a message!

 Looking forward to it,

 Zaccary Boisvert-Corcoran
819 661-1180


Social media marketing