Davood Kalami

Davood Kalami

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: Worldwide

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: Dec 16, 2023

Total work experience:

Language skills: English, French, Persian,

Personal summary

Experienced Android Developer with 5+ years of expertise in Kotlin, Java, Coroutine, Dagger, and Android Studio.Skilled in CI/CD(DevOps/Continuous), documentation, and improving user experience and optimization. Proficient in coding patterns like MVVM and Clean code, unit-testing, and integrating Third Party libraries, Git, RESTful APIs, and JIRA. Strong problem-solving and debugging skills with experience in leading android team and analytics, . Familiar with math and logical thinking,Data Structure, Algorithms, and logic behind Computer Science.

Language skills






Native speaker