Corporate culture
Search results
We found 3 freelancers for category Corporate culture
Conseiller en recrutement et marketing RH
Façonnée par mes racines entrepreneuriales, ma passion pour la gestion a orienté mon parcours professionnel. Grâce à des études de gestion France, au Canada et aux États-Unis, j'ai perfectionné mes...
Marketing 6 Recrutement 4 Culture d'entreprise 3 Administration du personnel 3 Communication d'entreprise 5 Stratégie d'entreprise 3
Healthcare professional
Healthcare professional having interest in both clinical and administrative aspects of the industry, with over 2 years of experience in the healthcare domain. Alongside my Bachelors in Dental...
Healthcare 2 Insolvency administration 1 Corporate culture 1
Out of the Box Marketing Specialist
I’m a dynamic senior marketing specialist with a diverse background spanning social media strategy, events, corporate branding, and communication. I’m passionate about creating impactful campaigns...
Social media marketing 6 Corporate communication 6 Corporate culture 6 Content management 6 Content marketing 6 Social Media Edition 6 Marketing 6 Marketing entry strategies 6 Blogging 7 Communication 6
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