Google Cloud

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We have found 25 freelancers for category Google Cloud

Senior Software Engineer

Experienced software developer with expertise in multiple programming languages and frameworks. Skilled in developing web and mobile applications, integrating APIs, and designing database structures....

Gulbarga, India

Node.js 5 Java 5 JavaScript 5 TypeScript 5 Angular 5 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 6 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 5 Google Cloud 2 Docker 3 SAAS 5

DevOps 8 Microsoft Azure 8 Kubernetes 8 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 6 Google Cloud 8


TECHNICAL SPECIALIZATIONS •Azure & GCP IaaS/PaaS •HA/DR/BCP - SLI/SLO/SLA •DevOps/SRE Practice •GKE, GAE, GCE, Anthos •GCP/Azure IAM, Networking •StratoZone/StratoProbe •CI/CD pipelines -...

Bangalore City, India

Microsoft Azure 3 Google Cloud 3 private cloud 8

Senior Data Engineer

Big Data Engineer and Business Analytics Professional having 10.5 years of experience in data engineering, big data technologies, data analytics and business intelligence applications. A good team...

Dubao, United Arab Emirates

Informatica 10 Oracle 10 mySQL 10 SESAM/SQL Server 10 Microsoft Azure 8 Big data 6 ETL 8 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 3 Google Cloud 3 Python 4

SQL 4 Microsoft Power BI 3 Google Analytics 1 Google Cloud 3 Microsoft Office 365 4 Data analysis 5 Python 1