Search results

We have found 571 freelancers for category Management, Corporation, Strategy

Brampton, Canada

Project management 2 Cost Estimation, Valuation 1 Quality control 2 GIS 1 Site management 5 Geomatics / geodesy / surveying 1 Construction management 5 Visualization 5

Gatineau Northeast, Canada

PMBOK Guide 13

Winnipeg, Canada

Project management 15

Project management 25 Project management (IT) 25 Enterprise project management (EPM) 25

Project management (IT) 15 PMO 4 Technical sales / technical distribution 3 Project management - contract management 3 Process improvement 10

Gestion de projet 6 Gestion d'équipe 7 Scrum, SAFE 5 Analyse fonctionnel 8 Formation (informatique) 4

Pickering Central, Canada

Quality manual 5

St.John`s, Canada

recruiting 7

Windsor, Canada

Business analyse 1

Waterloo Southeast, Canada

Analysis of market / competitive position 5