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CAE (computer-aided engineering) 6 CAD (computer-aided design) 10 CADAM (computer augmented drafting and manufacturing) 7 SolidWorks 10 CATIA 8 Research and development 6 Material engineering / material science 4 MATLAB / Simulink 2
CAE (computer-aided engineering) 6 SolidWorks 9 ANSYS (ANalysis SYStem) 6 CAD (computer-aided design) 9 Superstructural parts 8 Automotive lightweight construction 8 Vehicle dynamics 4 NVH 4 Structural theory 9 Finite element method (FEM) 6
CAE Engineer | Technical Writer
Am a PhD student and spend my free time as a freelancer. My primary expertise is in seismic safety assessment of dams in conjunction with skills that I learned along the way such as multi-fidelity...
CAE (computer-aided engineering) 5 Abaqus FEA 5 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) 5 Mechanical engineering 6 Structural dynamics 6 Technical documentation 4 MATLAB / Simulink 5 Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) 3 Fortran 5 Machine learning 4
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