Informations principales

Numéro de référence: FREELANCE_1142043_

Electronic Engineer - High Voltage Medical Devices

Poste: Non spécifié

Début: 11 juin 2024

End: 31 déc. 2024

Lieu: Nürnberg, Allemagne

Type de collaboration: Projet seulement

Taux horaire: Non spécifié

Dernière mise à jour: 7 mai 2024

Description et exigences de la tâche

One of my clients in the medical devices industry is looking for an additonal electronic engineer to join their team developing defibrillators. If you're interested, please apply with an updated CV.

- Develop analogue electronic circuits for our defibrillators and vital parameter monitors, including a selection of SoCs/microprocessors, power management, display control, connectivity, HMI and integration of sensors.
- Track the entire hardware and are therefore an asked-for expert of our system architects and project managers.
- You work together with other HW experts in an interdisciplinary team of approx. 5-10 colleagues

- Strong experience in the development of analogue electronic circuits
- Experience in development of medical devices
- Experience with high-voltage electronics
- Good knowledge of English


Analogue technique / analogue electronics High voltage engineering Medical technology / laboratory techniques